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Thursday, March 10, 2005


The topic of "where do we get experience" is interesting. I come for a large project world, but in that world there are small projects. From my biased view many small projects (we can burn through a $1,000 before the first sip of coffee) is not the same as large projects. This does not mean experinces cannot be extracted from small projects. As you mention some of the best experiences may come from small projects.

But from an recuriting POV, the rsponsibility in many business domains is connected with the dollar value of the project. If you've done a bunch of $1,000 project (that's less than a burdeneed manweek BTW) are you ready for a $10,000 project? Probably. How about a $100,000 project? Maybe. How about a $1,000,000 project? Now we're getting into the real question. How about a $10M project, $100M?

There is not likely a linear relationship (the world is pretty much non-linear at the detailed level) between dollars and complexity. More likely a geomettic oe exponential relationship.

So where does the small project experience stop being applicable? That's a better question I think

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