Steven over at ProjectSteps, in his post about WOW Projects, reminded me about two of the coolest books I have read: The Project 50 and the Brand You 50 by Tom Peters. I read them both (and the third one in the series the Professional Services Firm 50) all in about 3 days and then turned around and read the Project and Brand You books again! In them he promised another in the series but, sadly, it never got published. As far as I know Mr. Peter’s concept of a “WOW Project” as Steven talks about in his post was first laid out clearly in The Project 50. I was working for Pacific Edge when I found these books and I begged my boss to let me buy copies for the other Project Managers and Program Managers in my group but was not able to convince him it would be worth the $60! (Ironic that the man managing a group of PMs that were designing and managing the building of Project Management applications would not let me spend $60 on Project Management books.) So I bought a set of them out of my own pocket so the group could use them. I feel that strongly about these books. They changed the way I looked at work and about the work I do and how that work is seen and thought of by my boss, my coworkers, my company and my industry (and myself for that matter).
Buy these books (at least the Project and Brand You books). I just dug them out of my moving boxes where they were since my last move and I am re-reading them this week! You will not be sorry!